Campus Clery Statistics
The following statistics include alleged incidents of Clery Act crimes reported to the university that occurred within the campus’ Clery geography, regardless of whether the individual reporting was a member of the campus community and regardless of whether the individual chose to move forward with the criminal justice or campus disciplinary proceedings. To prepare the annual disclosure of crime statistics, the institution collects information from internal sources such as campus police and other campus security authorities and requests information from external sources such as local law enforcement. Not all local law enforcement agencies responded to the institution’s request for statistics or responded with a format usable for Clery crime reporting.
The university is also required to disclose statistical data on all fires reported to have occurred in its on-campus student housing facilities.
Crime Statistics by TAMU campus
See Reportable Crimes table in each campus’ Clery Annual Security Report
Fire Statistics by TAMU Campus
See On-campus Housing Facility Fire Statistics table in each campus’ Clery Annual Fire Safety Report on Student Housing. Campuses that do not own or control on-campus student housing facilities do not publish an Annual Fire Safety Report.
Reportable locations (maps)
Reportable locations (Clery geography) include all of the following:
- on-campus buildings and property
- on-campus student housing facilities (subset of on-campus buildings and property)
- public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus
- non-campus buildings or property that the university (or a student organization officially recognized by the university) owns or controls
The following Texas A&M University Clery Maps include each campus’ core and generally contiguous reportable locations:
Texas A&M University College Station
Texas A&M University O.D. Butler, Jr. Animal Science Complex and University Farm
Texas A&M University RELLIS Campus
Texas A&M University at Galveston
Texas A&M University at Qatar
Texas A&M University Mays Business School at CityCentre
Texas A&M University School of Law
Texas A&M University Health Science Center Bryan
Texas A&M University Health Science Center Dallas
Texas A&M University Houston
Texas A&M University Health Science Center Round Rock
Texas A&M University Health Science Center Temple
Texas A&M University Higher Education Center at McAllen
Texas A&M University Bush School of Government & Public Service at D.C.
Texas A&M University College of Dentistry – Cooper Clinic at Dallas