Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Texas A&M University (TAMU) provides equal opportunity to all employees, students, applicants for employment or admission, and the public regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. The University is committed to maintaining an accessible campus community and providing reasonable accommodations to qualified students, faculty, staff, and visitors, including making its websites accessible and usable.
Report an ADA Concern
- Report Discrimination
- Report a Barrier or Accessibility Issue
- Notice of Non-discrimination and Abuse
- What happens if I file an ADA complaint?
Help With Specific Disability Issues
- Faculty Resource Guide
Explanation of rights and responsibilities of instructors as well as other helpful information. - Required Syllabus Statement
- How to Request a Reasonable Accommodation
ADA Contacts
- Employees: Andrew Barna, Director – Employee Relations
[email protected]
979-862-3274 - Student Employees: Hannah O’Hara, Student Empl. Specialist – Scholarships & Financial Aid [email protected]
Who responds to ADA issues for employees?
Other Resources
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 979-862-2575
For visitors attending athletic events at Reed Arena, see Accessibility Information for Reed Arena or contact Reed Arena Guest services at 979-862-7330
Aggie Adaptive Sports facilitates adaptive sports as a healthy form of recreation to students, veterans, and community members.
Contacts for accessibility inquiries on campus:
- General Facility Issues, or Non-functioning Automatic Doors: Facilities Coordinators or ADA/Section 504 Coordinator
- Building Access – select the Accessible Entrance radio button from the map layers panel
Guidance to assist event sponsors in fulfilling their responsibility to provide accommodations can be found at Hosting Events.
Texas A&M University complies with applicable federal and state laws regarding the provision of reasonable accommodations for employees, students, and members of the public with disabilities with regard to the use of service or emotional support animals on campus. Further information can be found at Service Animals.
Paratransit is a shared ride service that operates on a fixed schedule. This service is for getting students, faculty and staff between the A&M campus and their local residences. Visit the Paratransit website for further information or contact the Para-Transit Coordinator at:
Paratransit Coordinator
Texas A&M University
MS 1373
College Station, Texas 77843-1373
Phone 979.845.1971
Darla Guerra
[email protected]
Transportation Services is committed to providing programs and services that ensure compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations. Visit the Accessible Parking for Customers with Disabilities website or contact Darla Guera at [email protected] or 979-862-7275 .
Game Day Para-Transit
- Information can be found at Transportation Services.
IT Accessibility at Texas A&M
Texas A&M University is committed to making information resources developed, maintained, distributed and procured by our institution accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. For further information, see the IT Accessibility website or contact Cynthia Kauder, Manager, EIR Accessibility at [email protected] or 979-862-6834.
Texas A&M University Governance
- Texas A&M System Policy 08.01.02 Civil Rights Protections for Individuals With Disabilities
- Texas A&M University Rule 08.01.01.M1 Civil Rights Compliance
- Standard Administrative Procedure 08.01.01.M1.01 Investigation and Resolution of Allegations of Prohibited Conduct Against Students,Employees,and Third Parties
- Standard Administrative Procedure 08.01.02.M0.01 Reasonable Accommodation Requests under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Standard Administrative Procedure 08.01.02.M0.02 Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals,and Other Animals on Campus
- TAMU System Regulation 29.01.04 Accessibility of Electronic and Information Resources
- Standard Administrative Procedure 29.01.04.M0.02 Accessibility of Electronic Information Resources
- Standard Administrative Procedure 29.01.04.M1.01 Web Accessibility and Usability Procedures
- Notice of Nondiscrimination and Abuse
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- 29 U.S.C., section 701
- 29 U.S.C. section 794[a]
- 28 C.F.R. section 35.107
- 20 U.S.C.
- 42 U.S.C., Chapter 126, beginning at section 12101, as amended
- EEOC: The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990
Additional Resources