Clery Annual Security Reports
An Annual Security Report includes information on campus security policies and statistics. Security policies include, but are not limited to, reporting crimes and emergencies, descriptions of campus law enforcement, health and safety notifications, crime awareness and prevention, security of campus facilities and residence halls, alcohol and drug policies, policies and programs to prevent sexual assault and other crimes, and related disciplinary procedures. The report also contains statistics related to reports of certain criminal offenses defined under the Clery Act for the previous three calendar years. The offenses include alleged crimes reported to local law enforcement or to campus security authorities that occurred on campus; in residential facilities on campus; on non-campus property owned or controlled by the institution; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
Following are the annual security reports for each Texas A&M University campus.
The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act, or Clery Act, is a federal law that requires all U.S. colleges and universities (including foreign campuses of U.S. institutions), both public and private, participating in federal student aid programs to maintain and disclose certain crime statistics and campus security/fire information. The Clery Act mandates requirements for incidents of sexual violence and emergency situations.
The Act is named in memory of Jeanne Clery who was raped and murdered in her residence hall room by a fellow student on April 5, 1986 at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Disclosures about required crime and fire statistics and summaries of security and fire policies are made in an Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report on Student Housing. Information about specific crimes and emergencies is made available on an ongoing basis through the daily crime log, fire log, timely warnings, and emergency notifications.
Why is the Clery Act important?
The Act was designed to assist students, parents, and other members of the campus community in making decisions which affect their personal safety. The Clery Act requires institutions of higher education to provide current and prospective students and employees with accurate, complete, and timely information about crime and campus safety.
Reporting Crime on Campus
Reporting Criminal Incidents and Non-Emergency Police Calls: If you are victim of a crime or know someone who has been a victim of crime, you should contact the Texas A&M University Police Department (UPD) at (979) 845-2345 at the main College Station campus or campus police/security at your local campus.
For Emergency Situations: If a situation represents an immediate threat to life or property, please contact local authorities. If you require emergency assistance or believe a crime is in progress, call 911 to reach police, fire, or medical services.
Notice of Availability
Email notifications are distributed to current and prospective students and employees informing them of the availability of the Clery Annual Security Reports and Annual Fire Safety Reports and the exact url to access the reports. The Notice of Availability is applicable to all Texas A&M University campuses.
Sign Up for Code Maroon Emergency Notifications
Code Maroon is Texas A&M University’s emergency notification system that gives the University the ability to communicate health and safety information in an emergency.
Texas A&M will use the system only to provide official notification of critical emergencies (i.e. situations that pose an imminent, physical threat to the community).