Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
What is the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act?
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (SDFSCA) requires institutions of higher education to establish programs that prevent violence in and around schools, address unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs, involve parents and communities, and coordinate with state and federal programs to foster safe and drug-free learning environments to promote student academic achievement.
Texas A&M University conducts a Biennial Review of our participation in the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.
Biennial Reports
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act 2024 Biennial Review
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) Notice
- DAAPP Notice sent to TAMU employees (includes Texas A&M Health)
- DAAPP Notice sent to TAMUG employees
- DAAPP Notice sent to TAMUQ employees
Student Assistance
Office of the Dean of Student Life
College Station, TX
Mail Stop 1257
[email protected]
Staff Assistance
Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness
979-458-3684 for Alcohol and Drug Testing Program information
All other counseling inquiries:
Work/Life Solutions
Online: guidanceresources.com
App: GuidanceNowSMWeb
ID: COM589
Applicable Rules and SAPs
System Policy 34.02 Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Rule 34.02.01.M1 Substance Abuse Prevention
Educational Information
- Alcohol and Drug Education Program https://studentlife.tamu.edu/education/alcohol/
- C.O.P.S. Crime Prevention Resources https://upd.tamu.edu/Pages/CrimePrevent.aspx
- Health, Safety, and Security https://reslife.tamu.edu/living/safety
- Stop Hazing http://stophazing.tamu.edu/issues/alcoholAndHazing
- Rehabilitation Program for Alcohol & Drug Abuse https://uhs.tamu.edu/mental-health/aod-services.html#:~:text=The%20on%2Dcampus%20Aggie%20Recovery,support%20during%20their%20recovery%20journey.
- Employee Assistance Program: Alcohol and Drug Testing https://employees.tamu.edu/talent-management/managers/alcohol-drug-testing.html
- Ethics and Decision Making http://studentlife.tamu.edu/scs.edm
- Possession of Alcohol by a Minor https://studentlife.tamu.edu/education/mip/
Related Laws and Guidance
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989; 20 U.S.C. 1011i, and Education Department General Administrative Regulations Part 86.