Audit Liaison
The audit liaison function was created to assist and support Texas A&M University management in responding effectively to auditors and other external agencies, as requested. The audit liaison staff works with Texas A&M University System internal auditors and Texas A&M University’s constituents to facilitate mutual understanding of the audit process.
The audit liaison’s role and responsibilities encompass:
- Attending audit related meetings including entrance conferences, end of planning meetings, status meetings, and end of field work meetings.
- Assisting management in reviewing and responding to draft audit findings, recommendations, and reports.
- Assisting management in identifying options for incorporating control and monitoring processes to fully address the audit recommendations and mitigate risks identified.
- Serving as a point of contact regarding the overall audit process including the drafting and routing of management’s responses.
- Monitoring the implementation status of audit recommendations.
- Performing oversight procedures on audit recommendations (focusing on those categorized as significant) to verify actions taken are designed and/or working effectively.
- Monitoring recommendations with long implementation timelines to ensure they are progressing.
- Coordinating quarterly reporting (i.e., audit tracking forms) to System Internal Audit regarding the implementation status of audit recommendations.
- Communicating with management regarding implementation status using various methods.
Additionally, audit liaison staff prepare and distribute information to management for use in Board of Regents Audit Committee meetings.
Texas A&M University System – Internal Audit Department
Texas A&M University System – Internal Audit Department – Fiscal Year 2025 Audit Plan
Contact the Audit Liaison