Sex-based discrimination, which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, can negatively impact an individual’s participation in educational programs and activities and is prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Texas A&M University is committed to a learning and working environment that is free of discrimination based on sex. That is why sex discrimination in any form is not tolerated at Texas A&M, and all complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment, and related retaliation are promptly addressed. Texas A&M University has procedures and resources in place to support an environment free of discrimination. Knowing what to do and where to find information, if an incident occurs to you, is observed by you, or has been reported to you, is the first step to ensuring Texas A&M University continues to be a community free of sex-based discrimination.
To learn more about what Title IX encompasses, how to report an incident of discrimination, or to obtain information on resources, please see: